H: You start.
A: I don't know.
H: So far this is just like one of our real conversations. We can introduce our blog.
A: Well, Hannah, and fellow reader, this is a blog about our thoughts and opinions. Various rants and reflections, if you will. We will astound you with our aspirations, inspire you with our insights, confound you with our comments.
H: So basically this is a super cliche and typical awkward college student blog, except ours goes back and forth between two people. Named Hannah and Adrienne. Do we introduce ourselves now?
A: Let's introduce each other! (Instead of an Italics button, I wish there was a sarcasm one.)
H: Would the sarcasm format make the letters look oily and mean?
A: I'm imagining more of the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine font. Anyway, HANNAH is 5'4. That's all you need to know. Well okay, she's obsessed with Master and Commander and looks kind of Asian. I'm not sure why, actually. I've never asked her about that.
H: I think the audience at home should know that this whole time we're awkwardly passing my Macbook back and forth. And that you just said, "What if we got really famous and went on Jimmy Fallon?" Oh and I'm a quarter Japanese.
A: Whoa. Why have we not talked about this?
H: Because I'm just Asian enough to make Asian jokes but not Asian enough to be in one of those college advertisements with the happy laughing multicultural crowd. Anyway, ADRIENNE is 5'7 and has dark brown hair and pale skin, but not in an Asian way. More in a way that means she takes good Myspace profile pictures and looks emo easily.
A: The fourth Jonas brother, that's what they call me.
H: So basically this blog is an ongoing dialogue between us, and basically it's what we do all the time except now people can read it. Eavesdrop. And sometimes we will eavesdrop on other people and let you know. The topics are probably going to be pretty light. Like movies and pet peeves and people we like. Assuming we keep this up. Right?
A: Right-o! Signing out!