Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reader Challenge: The Best of the Interwebs

Oh Audience at Home: we know there are at least a few people out there reading these words. Confess your presence! We want only one thing from you: Comment and share videos, blogs, hilariously bad fan art. What's the BEST THING you've found in this crazy online world?

H: See, sometimes the Internet is a big lonely place. But sometimes it is like a big vending machine where you hit E5 for a Snickers bar and then the machine just goes crazy and you end up getting like ten dollars of junk food. Sometimes you go online to, say, check email, and you end up staring at this for an hour because it was in someone's Facebook status.

A: Or say you want to see how well your blog is doing according to google. So you google, in our case, "Adrienne and Hannah." AND BEHOLD! Not only are we really famous bloggers, but we're also HARRY POTTER'S CHILDREN. (Discover our real past) We got to recollect our first years with our dad, Harry, on Christmas morning. What rascals we were! To "punish" us, Harry lovingly sent us down the stairs by wingardrium leviosa-ing us! "Both Hannah and Adrienne flew up into the air laughing." What fun that must have been for us.

H: And clearly that childhood had quite an impact on our mental/emotional state, because we grew up to author ...

A: We had a magical life, and still do. While the world is mesmerized by Twilight, we take it to the next level. No subtle teen romance, but check out our blatantly romance novelesque covers! No British accents here, we got Scottish! HIS KISS COULD MEAN FOREVER!

H: Since we're doing Internet Shout Outs, we should also name drop the blog we started following. You want to explain your personal connection with this topic?

A: I wish my personal connection was actually being involved in one of these, but alas, it's not. I just have a fascination with the idea of missed connection ads.

H: Soooo Adrienne got them started up in our student newspaper and they are GREAT. Plus I totally got to illustrate last week's. Life goal: check!

A: I got the idea after we found this site: and they're a huge hit in major cities. The blog we're following is an artist who picks her favorite NYC missed connections and paints them. Check it out!
H: So now that we've given you a bunch of things to procrastinate with ... we want your favorites. Send us LINKS!

A: Or send other people OUR link ... or you can just follow us. So we feel cool.

H: First person to comment who we don't actually know in real life .... we'll write a post all about you. So comment!

Monday, November 16, 2009

"Flashforward" vs. "V" NO CONTEST

H: At what moment did you know, for sure, that Flash Forward had jumped the shark?

A: It was the Halloween episode, when everyone completely overreacted about Commodore Norrington being at the house. The house where, in "the future" he would be chillin' on the couch with his new lover, aka, Mark Benford's wife!

H: The Halloween episode pushed me over the edge too, except for me it was the combination of "a Halloween costume episode, seriously?!" and the weird way they use music at the worst times. Every time the FBI guys pull out weapons, it's like OMGYoutube!Fanvid!!!1!

A: Agreed. Also, that weird Blue Hand torturing place? What?! That was so dumb. Why, if you know you're going to die, would you ever go to a club and get tortured? Haven't the writers ever been asked "If you were given one year to live, what would you do?" Clearly no one would say "Join a club with all the other people who have been diagnosed the same way and torture each other." They would go skydiving or swim with dolphins or something. Geeze.

H: If you were given a year to live, what WOULD you do? Besides a re-do of our Fall Fest weekend.

A: Hmmm, I've actually got to. think about this. I think I would go and visit m I knew. No (I HATE yoUR KEYBOARD!!!!!!!) I would visit everyone I knew. No matter where they live. And then I would go home and spend the rest of the time with my family. That, or become a motivational speaker.

H: So you would go find, like, kids from your third grade class? That's how you would spend your time?

A: Oh PUHlease. Just family and friends. What about you?

H: I would take one week of just writing letters and drinking sugary coffee. And then I would blow all my money on a crazy vacation with family and friends. And right before I knew I was going to die, I would yell something like, "And if I'm wrong, then may God strike me dead!!" just to freak everyone out.

A: Epic, man. I totally sound like a stoner. Speaking of which, let's return to Flash Forward vs. V.

H: Here's the nail in the Flash Forward coffin, and I know you'll agree: Dominic Monaghan. I never thought I'd say that; I love the guy. But he is the embodiment of my biggest problem with the show: super cliche. I feel like the writers are just assigning all their favorite movies to each episode. We had a chase through a doll factory. A trip to Germany to talk to a Nazi. And now they want to settle their problems with, what else, a poker game?!?

A: We're assuming that in the next episode, they will either be trying to find someone in a club where lights are flashing and people are dancing and they have to weave through crowds of people, OR crawling through ventilation shafts. And I was going to say a car chase scene, but that happened in the first episode.

H: Also, a scene where a psychopath has hidden bombs all over the city and Mark has to use scraps from his all-encompassing flash forward to find them.

A: Speaking of things being hidden all over a city ... V has me thinking everyone is an alien.

H: I know. I really wasn't expecting to like the show, but I'm intrigued. Great characters.

A: Which is the first thing we said we didn't like about Flash Forward: the characters. I still couldn't care less about them and we just had to Google Mark's name to find out what it was for this post. He's the main character. Meanwhile, by the end of the pilot, I was pretty invested in the V cast. (Not the phone!)

H: I'm also just a sap for anything with Alan Tudyk.

A: Yeah, what a great actor. I first noticed him in A Knight's Tale as a great side character—

H: With great hair.

A: And then again in the TV series Firefly. By his placement in the first episode of V, we're hoping he'll be a main character instead of his usual side role.

H: Yes, just waiting for the Firefly/V crossover fan art to start popping up.

A: You should start that off.

H: You know I can't use photoshop—

A: Audience at home, this is the conversation that really just took place:
A: We could talk about Anna being in Firefly.
H: What? Who is she?
A: She's Inara.
H: ("LOST moment" face)

H: I COMPLETELY didn't recognize her. Wow. I can't believe I didn't see that. I guess she has short hair, and I had just portioned 100 percent of my TV-crossover-alert attention on the whole Wash/Juliet thing.

A: To wrap things up, I actually look forward to watching V in the future and finding out who the aliens are, which ones are good and bad, and how a priest is going to end up dating the main-character-girl.

H: Aaaaaand we don't know anyone's names on this show either. We're going to have to work on that.