H: So here's what happens: every so often, Adrienne and I hang out with a mutual friend, Emily. And for some reason, when it's the three of us ... we always end up having this enormous nerdfest. Why do you think that is?
A: Well, let's think of the things that we have in common: Emily and I frequently played Lord of the Rings: Trivial Pursuit last year. You also like Lord of the Rings. Emily and I also get hooked on really lame things ... and poorly made things ... like "Vampire Diaries" and "Glee." Therefore, when we saw my other housemate had a made-for-TV-movie on our shelf, we knew it was love.

H: For me, the draw came from ... the above picture, featured on the back of the DVD case. Just the incredibly intense focus on Merlin's face, as he is clearly manipulating the very matter around him. Meanwhile "Jack," aka "Merlin's Apprentice," on the left looks more like he's doing his best Luke Skywalker impression—
A: Which is convenient since they share a similar fate...that guy's his dad!!!
H: Yeah, so we might as well say that this post has a few minor spoilers. But please, don't let that scare you away ... this isn't going to be getting any two thumbs up any time soon.
A: Also, be assured that you wouldn't watch this movie for its plot anyway. You'd watch it to laugh and quote it for weeks. Years!

H: I almost don't know where to begin.

A: Just the beginning, when Jack is introduced. When that pig pops out of nowhere and Jack's like, "Oh, Pig, are you following me?"
H: Take it completely seriously, though. Because that Pig plays a huge, huge role later on. Wow.
A: You just got introduced to one of the characters ... that helps Jack get to the Land of the Dead.
H: Not to mention providing one of the all-time weirdest innuendos I've ever heard onscreen.
A: Which was also the last line of the entire 3-hour movie. ALAS! Then, after watching hours of bad wizards (and by bad, I don't mean evil) we thought we'd counteract that by spending some time with our favorite wizard, Gandalf, and his friends.
H: I feel like I don't have much to say about the game, except that it's good to know that my geeky middle school years are being put to good use—
A: Or that it's the best game ever and narrated by Gollum.
H: True. So all this to say, we hugely recommend that you pick up "Merlin's Apprentice" at your nearest Wal-Mart $5.00 bin, and watch it with your friends. Just for the laughs.
A: And following that, play Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit. It'll be a night to remember.
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