Monday, September 28, 2009

Flashforward 1.01 Review

A: Looking back ... on Flashforward.
H: Huge potential. I love it.

A: Okay, let's review/comment on the pilot episode. (Spoilers ahead) You say you love it. Why?

H: I mean, I wasn't crying or laughing out loud or anything, I just see a lot of potential in the storylines they've started. A lot was pretty much straight out of the trailer, so at first I wasn't surprised by much ... but they brought in some great twists near the end. That security camera thing? Creeeeeeeepy.

A: Agreed. I think that was the only part that gave me any emotional attachment to the show. Other reviewers are commenting on the fact that it is a lot like LOST. But there aren't any real connections that I can see except they're both from ABC and they use some of the same actors.

H: Whoa, whoa. I beg to differ. A giant "Oceanic" billboard in the background for like 25 seconds? Plus the whole "can we change our destinies?" theme? I don't think Flashforward is too similar to LOST, but I'm happy it has some similarities. I love LOST, and I feel like Flashforward is LOST's mild-mannered younger brother.

A: You're right, I was just talking about technical things like directors and stuff.

H: Oh, OKAY. Sorry, I don't do that whole technical thing, ADRIENNE.

A: Whatever. But on your note ... anyone see that kangaroo boundin' down the street?? Polar bear in LOST, anyone? OH oh! Here's a theory... maybe a car crashed into a fence at the zoo and it was the kangaroo's cage. Yeah?

H: I'm having a hard time deciding if you're being really sarcastic or really uncreative. Change of subject: my one big complaint for the episode was that slow-mo running shot—you know the one?
A: No... but you're talking to the person who totally missed the "25-second" shot of the Oceanic billboard. All I noticed is that Charlie...oops, I mean Dominic Monaghan showed up in the trailer for next week. By the way, do you think that was a trailer for multiple episodes or just this week's? Because there was a crazy load of stuff going on.

H: Multiple episodes. I didn't see the whole trailer—kind of ran into the other room when I got kicked out of the lounge for The Office—but I know Simon (Monaghan) isn't supposed to show up for a few more episodes.

A: WHAT? Dude, that's like the main reason I'm watching this show.

H: Remember the Entertainment issue I picked up while you were browsing through the hummus?

A: You mean while I was holding freaking everything while you went to the front of the store with the cart to read magazines?! But yes, I do remember squealing over pictures of the cast when we got back.

H: Anyway. It said Dom's character is some kind of super genius who graduated from college at 14 and that he won't show up for a while. I think there was a quote that went something like, "Charlie was a boy. Simon's a man" or something cheesy like that.

A: Speaking of're on first name basis with "Dom" now?

H: Hey, I went through that watch-behind-the-scenes-features-on-Lord-of-the-Rings stage in junior high too, you know. But you didn't see me strutting around in a Meriadoc Brandybuck costume come Halloween.

A: Oh my gosh, we always talk about Lord of the Rings. And Jimmy Fallon. But SPEAKING of connecting Flashforward with a past obsession, Hannah has one of her own... care to elaborate?

H: Well, I assume you're referring to the Jack Davenport Factor, aka, the part of the episode where we all think "Hmm. I haven't heard that velvety voice since Kiera gave the kiss of death to the greatest Pirates of the Caribbean character in the franchise." At least, that's what I was thinking.

A: And I assume you're referring to the part where the hospital boy's dad shows up and we recognize him not only as the doctor's future lover, but Commodore Norrington!?

H: Yeah, I'm not super excited about the first title, there, but I'm excited for him to be on the show. Actually, I'm pretty excited about this whole cast. And I'm hoping John Cho doesn't bow out too soon—I was nervous he would get the axe in the first episode.

A: Yeah, I'm excited about the cast as well; it's a good one. But overall I wasn't super impressed with the first episode. I do want to continue watching it as well because I see the potential. I just felt like I had already seen the first episode because of all the previews.

H: Good point. And, audience at home, here's hoping you're watching with us. More reviews to come.

A: We'll pick back up with what we promised in our previous post: Nerd movie night complete with made-for-TV movies and Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Top 10 Reasons (Anton Yelchin Edition)

A: He's the man/boy you've never heard of, but if you're into blockbuster movies, you've seen his face twice this summer. Ladies and gentleman: we give you Anton Yelchin. Our summer crush.

H: So much to say ... I hardly know how to begin. I think it's time for a Top Ten List.

Top Ten Reasons We Are in Love With Anton Yelchin

A: #1. He looks surprisingly like Elijah Wood.

H: #2. Chekov. Just the entire character. Talk about taking a completely lame and irritating person and turning him into pure greatness. I'm pretty sure you and I whisper-screamed through all of his dialogue. It's the accent. Plus the hair. Plus that scene where he ran down the hall. Ok, your turn.

A: #3. I'm going to just add to that: his little weather report when they first get on the ship. His accent saying "lightning cloud".... awwwww. Okay, we sound gross. And annoying. But seriously, we've got to point out Chekov, because this role is what put him on the map. I mean for us.

H: #4. This.

A: #5. Unbeknownst to us, Anton was sort of on the map already with his role as Charlie Bartlett in uhh... Charlie Bartlett THE MOVIE. I don't know him at all, obviously, but I kind of feel like this character is how he would be. I don't want to use the word "sweet," but that's the epitome of his personality as Charlie Bartlett—and he has insane outbursts that are hilarious. (See #4)

H: #6. He's not well-known. Call me a snob, or a weirdy, but I don't like to like people everyone likes. I mean, I don't want to be one of those people that only likes obscure music and calls everything "overrated," but when it comes to actors I totally am that person.

A: #7. He's a Shiny Shower Boy. My roommate made up this term, and it's definitely true. You know those guys who have shiny, pale-ish skin and they're rosy pink like they just came out of the shower? They look like any 5 year old boy who just had bath time.

H: #8. On that note, he was the cutest little kid EVER. And he was born ten days before I was.

A: #9. Hannah and I both agree that when really pretty boys get dirty, it's attractive. Dirty as in, they have mud on their face, or they just got punched. Not in a sleazy way. Therefore—another character reference—I feel that Anton really stepped it up in Terminator: Salvation and became a character that he isn't known for: tough, manly, and dirty. (Although Anton was great, the movie ... not so much.)

H: #10. He has a nice persona. I mean, look at this interview. "That filled me with joy every day"?!?? Ok, like you said, we totally don't know him (someday...) but what I'm saying is, he presents a nice image. Just likable. You want to introduce him to your mom.

A: Hopefully in the future we'll have more Top Ten Lists of other things, and we'll hopefully stray away from talking about our celebrity crushes all the time. Elijah Wood Johnny Depp Rufus Wainwright Justin Long Liam Neeson Alan Rickman Billy Cudrup Jason Schwartzman Adrian Brody Jimmy Fallon Dominic Monaghan David Wenham Lee Pace—

H: Paul Bettany Ben Foster Ioan Gruffudd James MacAvoy Henry Ian Cusack Clive Owen Joel Hodgson Alan Tudyk Stephen Cobert Russell Crowe Neil Patrick Harris Matt Damon Simon Woods Gregory Peck and Conan O'Brian. ... Well, that that's over with ... Moving on. Can we please talk about our Nerd Fest the other night?

A: The one where we watched made-for-tv movies and played LOTR trivia? Or the one where we took an hour and a half to blog about Anton Yelchin? Oh, wait, that was right now. Coming up next: made-for-tv movies and LOTR trivia! Back to you, Terry.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raise Your Knee!

H: "9." What did you think, in one sentence?

A: It was like watching a 1 hour and 20 minute video game.

H: Agreed. I felt like we would see a little vignette introducing a character or plot material and then there would be some action, and then another little vignette, and then another machine to fight, etc. All through the movie. I mean, it looked amazing and I really enjoyed it ... up until like the last fifteen minutes.

A: Yeah, we can't really say since the movie did just come out, and you know how we hate it when people ruin endings. (Dumbledore died) But it just didn't make sense.

H: High points and low points: I really loved the characters, especially the Twins and 6. Low point—really unsatisfying ending. Not necessarily badly done, just not what I wanted.

A: In a way though, it was poorly done. The ending, I mean. The movie was great, I remember thinking while watching it that I was thoroughly enjoying myself. But why only an hour and twenty minutes? It would've been a great film if they had just made it longer so they could develop plot and characters more. And by characters, I mean Elijah Wood, who plays 9.

H: And by Elijah Wood, you mean Adrienne's Biggest Celebrity Love/Consistent Fallback Halloween Costume. Picture please?

A: One day, he's going to see this and realize we were meant to be. Okay, seriously, this was my first celebrity crush. How nerdy am I not to realize there were attractive actors in the world until Elijah Wood starred as Frodo Baggins. Did I even give Orlando Bloom a second thought? No.

H: Well, that's because Legolas was super girly and wore those sparkly pajamas in Lothlorien. Not that Frodo Baggins is the epitome of masculinity.

A: Oh, he is. Did you ever see him in Flipper? Saving his town and the dolphins while still getting the girl. Or what about that time he saved the planet from a meteor hitting the earth in Deep Impact? Yes, I did rent every movie he was ever in and watch them after LOTR came out.

H: See, I just feel like Lord of the Rings was the high point in his career, and now all he does is animated stuff. And regardless, he will always be "the guy from Lord of the Rings" now, because the entire time I was watching 9, I was thinking how it reminded me of LotR. But it was really just Elijah Wood's hobbity yelps for help.

A: I didn't realize we were writing a new Dr. Seuss book, Hannah. Anyway, I agree. Except, he will also be known for his Dancey Dance viral video. I love how on Jimmy Fallon the other night, the Roots didn't play The Lord of the Rings theme, but the song "raise your knee, raise your other knee..." from Yo Gabba Gabba.
H: Well played, Jimmy Fallon. And well received, Elijah Wood. And well done, Adrienne-reverting-instantly-back-into-preteen-girly-mode. You learn something every day.

A: Speaking of preteen-girly-mode, we're going to stay up late watching another cliche but lesser known movie about being popular in high school: Charlie Bartlett.

H: Starring another skinny, pale, blue-eyed kid we love: Anton Yelchin. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer Movies and Kung Po Chicken

A: Hannah and I are currently sitting in our Web Writing and Production class. Today's topic is blogging. Right now the rest of our culturally un-savvy class is creating blogs for the first time, and we're reading the book "No One Cares What You Had For Lunch," (which is about making your blog awesome) so we thought we'd take this opportunity to tell you that I had left-over Chinese takeout for lunch.

H: Considering that we're supposed to be the savvy ones, Adrienne, we have really struggled to pick a topic for this second post. Where did you get Chinese take out?

A: Happy Buddha. They seriously filled up an entire to-go box FULL of kung-po chicken. Then gave me another one full of rice. $7. I love college restaurants.

H: Ok, so. How do you feel about the fact that Mike just showed the, like, last scene of State of Play in class?

A: Well since I've seen it, I don't care. But I do care for my classmates. I hate it when teachers (or anyone, for that matter) ruin endings. By the way, did you hear Dumbledore died?

H: Well, since I haven't seen Harry Potter, I don't care. Wait. I can't believe you just made a lame joke about ruining movies and legitimately ruined a movie for me.

A: You're culturally ignorant. Which means if you didn't know that, then you deserve to have it ruined for you. (Okay, sorry, that was a little harsh. You do have a very prestigious book collection in your dorm room.)

H: Whatever. State of Play. One of the best movie-going experiences ever. Yes?

A: Well, we did take our college advisor/prof and bought her ticket. I remember her commenting on the preview for Star Trek and how she wants to see it. She also thinks Robert Redford is still a hunk.

H: State of Play wasn't my favorite movie or anything, but there was huge potential to be geeky about it anyway. Media Writing majors and our professor, at a journalism movie that also stars my all-time favorite actor. Good times.

A: Your all time favorite actor is....Ben Affleck?

H: Russell Crowe.

A: I know. Anyway, that was at the beginning of this summer. Let's talk favorite movies of the summer. Go ahead.

H: Favorite rentals: Slumdog Millionaire, which I finally got around to seeing. It's a Wonderful Life, which, no, I hadn't seen yet either. Maybe I am culturally ignorant? Also enjoyed Pleasantville, The Big Kahuna, and Once. Oh, and I cried with the rest of the audience in Up, which was amazing.

A: I saw Slumdog just a few weeks ago for the first time as well. With the rest of the world, I thought it was great.

H: Question: do you cry in movies?

A: That's tough. It's slowly changing because as I get older I become more and more like my mother, who cries watching Trading Spaces. Movies I have cried in: Fox and the Hound—when she's taking the little fox back to the forest and sings that song, it gets me every time. Also cried in Life is Beautiful and The Holiday (the only chick flick I have ever cried in). Oh, and Up also got me like six times!

H: Yeah, I'm probably more on your mom's side of the spectrum. It's embarrassing how much I cried in WALL-E ... wow. Pixar can really get to you.

A: What's their next movie?

H: I think there are actually a few coming out, but I know they're doing a Toy Story 3. And there was this article on NPR a while back about how Pixar (or animation people in general) don't make movies about girls, and it said they're doing a princess movie sooner or later.

A: Disney is making their next princess movie called The Princess and the Frog featuring the first black disney princess. The concept art pics online look awesome. I'm excited.

H: Speaking of concept art, 9 comes out today. I mean, the movie "9." That looks weird in text.

A: Yeah it looks like 9 concept arts are coming out today. Anyway, audience at home (which right now consists of our best friends who support us in all we do), Hannah and I are going to see it this weekend, so we'll have another post soon.

H: Our audience at home consists of our mothers who cry easily.

A: So to all you mothers who cry easily, this post is dedicated to you.

H: And Ben Affleck.