H: "9." What did you think, in one sentence?
A: It was like watching a 1 hour and 20 minute video game.
H: Agreed. I felt like we would see a little vignette introducing a character or plot material and then there would be some action, and then another little vignette, and then another machine to fight, etc. All through the movie. I mean, it looked amazing and I really enjoyed it ... up until like the last fifteen minutes.
A: Yeah, we can't really say since the movie did just come out, and you know how we hate it when people ruin endings. (Dumbledore died) But it just didn't make sense.
H: High points and low points: I really loved the characters, especially the Twins and 6. Low point—really unsatisfying ending. Not necessarily badly done, just not what I wanted.
A: In a way though, it was poorly done. The ending, I mean. The movie was great, I remember thinking while watching it that I was thoroughly enjoying myself. But why only an hour and twenty minutes? It would've been a great film if they had just made it longer so they could develop plot and characters more. And by characters, I mean Elijah Wood, who plays 9.
H: And by Elijah Wood, you mean Adrienne's Biggest Celebrity Love/Consistent Fallback Halloween Costume. Picture please?

A: One day, he's going to see this and realize we were meant to be. Okay, seriously, this was my first celebrity crush. How nerdy am I not to realize there were attractive actors in the world until Elijah Wood starred as Frodo Baggins. Did I even give Orlando Bloom a second thought? No.
H: Well, that's because Legolas was super girly and wore those sparkly pajamas in Lothlorien. Not that Frodo Baggins is the epitome of masculinity.
A: Oh, he is. Did you ever see him in Flipper? Saving his town and the dolphins while still getting the girl. Or what about that time he saved the planet from a meteor hitting the earth in Deep Impact? Yes, I did rent every movie he was ever in and watch them after LOTR came out.
H: See, I just feel like Lord of the Rings was the high point in his career, and now all he does is animated stuff. And regardless, he will always be "the guy from Lord of the Rings" now, because the entire time I was watching 9, I was thinking how it reminded me of LotR. But it was really just Elijah Wood's hobbity yelps for help.
A: I didn't realize we were writing a new Dr. Seuss book, Hannah. Anyway, I agree. Except, he will also be known for his Dancey Dance viral video. I love how on Jimmy Fallon the other night, the Roots didn't play The Lord of the Rings theme, but the song "raise your knee, raise your other knee..." from Yo Gabba Gabba.

H: Well played, Jimmy Fallon. And well received, Elijah Wood. And well done, Adrienne-reverting-instantly-back-into-preteen-girly-mode. You learn something every day.
A: Speaking of preteen-girly-mode, we're going to stay up late watching another cliche but lesser known movie about being popular in high school: Charlie Bartlett.
H: Starring another skinny, pale, blue-eyed kid we love: Anton Yelchin. Stay tuned.
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