A: He's the man/boy you've never heard of, but if you're into blockbuster movies, you've seen his face twice this summer. Ladies and gentleman: we give you Anton Yelchin. Our summer crush.
H: So much to say ... I hardly know how to begin. I think it's time for a Top Ten List.
Top Ten Reasons We Are in Love With Anton Yelchin
A: #1. He looks surprisingly like Elijah Wood.

H: #2. Chekov. Just the entire character. Talk about taking a completely lame and irritating person and turning him into pure greatness. I'm pretty sure you and I whisper-screamed through all of his dialogue. It's the accent. Plus the hair. Plus that scene where he ran down the hall. Ok, your turn.
A: #3. I'm going to just add to that: his little weather report when they first get on the ship. His accent saying "lightning cloud".... awwwww. Okay, we sound gross. And annoying. But seriously, we've got to point out Chekov, because this role is what put him on the map. I mean for us.

H: #4. This.
A: #5. Unbeknownst to us, Anton was sort of on the map already with his role as Charlie Bartlett in uhh... Charlie Bartlett THE MOVIE. I don't know him at all, obviously, but I kind of feel like this character is how he would be. I don't want to use the word "sweet," but that's the epitome of his personality as Charlie Bartlett—and he has insane outbursts that are hilarious. (See #4)

H: #6. He's not well-known. Call me a snob, or a weirdy, but I don't like to like people everyone likes. I mean, I don't want to be one of those people that only likes obscure music and calls everything "overrated," but when it comes to actors I totally am that person.
A: #7. He's a Shiny Shower Boy. My roommate made up this term, and it's definitely true. You know those guys who have shiny, pale-ish skin and they're rosy pink like they just came out of the shower? They look like any 5 year old boy who just had bath time.

H: #8. On that note, he was the cutest little kid EVER. And he was born ten days before I was.
A: #9. Hannah and I both agree that when really pretty boys get dirty, it's attractive. Dirty as in, they have mud on their face, or they just got punched. Not in a sleazy way. Therefore—another character reference—I feel that Anton really stepped it up in Terminator: Salvation and became a character that he isn't known for: tough, manly, and dirty. (Although Anton was great, the movie ... not so much.)

H: #10. He has a nice persona. I mean, look at this interview. "That filled me with joy every day"?!?? Ok, like you said, we totally don't know him (someday...) but what I'm saying is, he presents a nice image. Just likable. You want to introduce him to your mom.
A: Hopefully in the future we'll have more Top Ten Lists of other things, and we'll hopefully stray away from talking about our celebrity crushes all the time. Elijah Wood Johnny Depp Rufus Wainwright Justin Long Liam Neeson Alan Rickman Billy Cudrup Jason Schwartzman Adrian Brody Jimmy Fallon Dominic Monaghan David Wenham Lee Pace—
H: Paul Bettany Ben Foster Ioan Gruffudd James MacAvoy Henry Ian Cusack Clive Owen Joel Hodgson Alan Tudyk Stephen Cobert Russell Crowe Neil Patrick Harris Matt Damon Simon Woods Gregory Peck and Conan O'Brian. ... Well, that that's over with ... Moving on. Can we please talk about our Nerd Fest the other night?
A: The one where we watched made-for-tv movies and played LOTR trivia? Or the one where we took an hour and a half to blog about Anton Yelchin? Oh, wait, that was right now. Coming up next: made-for-tv movies and LOTR trivia! Back to you, Terry.
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