A: Hannah and I are currently sitting in our Web Writing and Production class. Today's topic is blogging. Right now the rest of our culturally un-savvy class is creating blogs for the first time, and we're reading the book "No One Cares What You Had For Lunch," (which is about making your blog awesome) so we thought we'd take this opportunity to tell you that I had left-over Chinese takeout for lunch.
H: Considering that we're supposed to be the savvy ones, Adrienne, we have really struggled to pick a topic for this second post. Where did you get Chinese take out?
A: Happy Buddha. They seriously filled up an entire to-go box FULL of kung-po chicken. Then gave me another one full of rice. $7. I love college restaurants.
H: Ok, so. How do you feel about the fact that Mike just showed the, like, last scene of State of Play in class?
A: Well since I've seen it, I don't care. But I do care for my classmates. I hate it when teachers (or anyone, for that matter) ruin endings. By the way, did you hear Dumbledore died?
H: Well, since I haven't seen Harry Potter, I don't care. Wait. I can't believe you just made a lame joke about ruining movies and legitimately ruined a movie for me.
A: You're culturally ignorant. Which means if you didn't know that, then you deserve to have it ruined for you. (Okay, sorry, that was a little harsh. You do have a very prestigious book collection in your dorm room.)
H: Whatever. State of Play. One of the best movie-going experiences ever. Yes?
A: Well, we did take our college advisor/prof and bought her ticket. I remember her commenting on the preview for Star Trek and how she wants to see it. She also thinks Robert Redford is still a hunk.
H: State of Play wasn't my favorite movie or anything, but there was huge potential to be geeky about it anyway. Media Writing majors and our professor, at a journalism movie that also stars my all-time favorite actor. Good times.

A: Your all time favorite actor is....Ben Affleck?
H: Russell Crowe.
A: I know. Anyway, that was at the beginning of this summer. Let's talk favorite movies of the summer. Go ahead.
H: Favorite rentals: Slumdog Millionaire, which I finally got around to seeing. It's a Wonderful Life, which, no, I hadn't seen yet either. Maybe I am culturally ignorant? Also enjoyed Pleasantville, The Big Kahuna, and Once. Oh, and I cried with the rest of the audience in Up, which was amazing.
A: I saw Slumdog just a few weeks ago for the first time as well. With the rest of the world, I thought it was great.
H: Question: do you cry in movies?
A: That's tough. It's slowly changing because as I get older I become more and more like my mother, who cries watching Trading Spaces. Movies I have cried in: Fox and the Hound—when she's taking the little fox back to the forest and sings that song, it gets me every time. Also cried in Life is Beautiful and The Holiday (the only chick flick I have ever cried in). Oh, and Up also got me like six times!
H: Yeah, I'm probably more on your mom's side of the spectrum. It's embarrassing how much I cried in WALL-E ... wow. Pixar can really get to you.
A: What's their next movie?
H: I think there are actually a few coming out, but I know they're doing a Toy Story 3. And there was this article on NPR a while back about how Pixar (or animation people in general) don't make movies about girls, and it said they're doing a princess movie sooner or later.
A: Disney is making their next princess movie called The Princess and the Frog featuring the first black disney princess. The concept art pics online look awesome. I'm excited.
H: Speaking of concept art, 9 comes out today. I mean, the movie "9." That looks weird in text.
A: Yeah it looks like 9 concept arts are coming out today. Anyway, audience at home (which right now consists of our best friends who support us in all we do), Hannah and I are going to see it this weekend, so we'll have another post soon.
H: Our audience at home consists of our mothers who cry easily.
A: So to all you mothers who cry easily, this post is dedicated to you.
H: And Ben Affleck.
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